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Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit https://shop.biblepathwayadventures.com.




Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit https://shop.biblepathwayadventures.com.
Purim Coloring and Activity Book

Purim Coloring and Activity Book

How did Esther save her people? Looking for activities to teach your students about the festival of Purim in a fun and creative way? This 36-page printable Activity Book contains coloring pages, worksheets, puzzles, creative writing and activities to help you teach students a biblical faith. PLUS, detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up and a handy answer key for educators. Perfect for Sabbath and Sunday School lessons, and homeschooling. What you’ll get… 30+ activity pages in PDF format (8.5” x 11”) Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer Key for educators What you’ll get… Coloring memory verse: Esther Coloring page: Esther marries the king Question ’n color: A special queen Bible word search: Esther Worksheet: Esther Coloring worksheet: Esther Coloring page: Esther speaks to the king Bible activity: Esther was brave! Labyrinth: Esther’s feast Bible activity: Who said it? Bible activity: The feast Question ’n color: The feast Bible quiz: Esther saves her people Bible verse puzzle: Crack the code! Bible crossword: Esther saves her people Comprehension worksheet: Purim Recipe: Let’s bake Hamantaschen! Worksheet: Esther Worksheet: Did You Know? Coloring worksheet: Purim Worksheet: Purim Creative writing: Write your own story of Esther Bible story cards (sequencing activity): The story of Esther
Day of Pentecost Activity Book

Day of Pentecost Activity Book

Our Day of Pentecost Activity Book is a wonderful resource to help students learn about Acts 2 and the Biblical origins of this Feast in a fun and creative way. Includes 43 printable pages of coloring pages, quizzes, worksheets, creative writing and coloring activities, crafts, and puzzles. Plus, detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up and an answer key for teachers and parents. This Activity Book can be used to fill a Bible interactive notebook or as standalone activities. The perfect resource to keep on hand for Homeschoolers, Sunday and Sabbath school teachers, and parents. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activity sheets and go! What you’ll get… ► 43 pages of worksheets in PDF format (8.5” x 11”), covering the ten commandments at Mount Sinai, Acts 2, Peter’s message, the Holy Spirit and much more! ► Table of Contents for easy page reference ► Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations ► Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up ► Answer key for parents and teachersJust print the activity sheets and go! Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. What’s inside… Introduction: Feast of Shavu’ot Coloring page: Shavu’ot bible verse Bible quiz: The ten commandments Bible craft: Dress like an Israelite Let’s learn Hebrew: Shavu’ot Bible craft: The ten commandments Question ‘n color: Mount Sinai Worksheets: Mount Sinai Bible quiz: Feast of Shavu’ot Worksheet: Acts 2 Worksheet: What’s the word? Worksheet: Shavu’ot Worksheet: The Israelites Labyrinth: Journey to Jerusalem Worksheet: My travel diary Newspaper worksheet: The Jerusalem News Bible crossword puzzle: Shavu’ot Coloring page: A mighty wind Worksheet: Day of Pentecost Worksheet: The Holy Spirit Coloring worksheet: Peter Bible verse unscramble: How many people were mikvah’d on Shavu’ot? Map activity: Twelve tribes of Israel Bible word search puzzle: Feast of Shavu’ot Worksheets: The disciples Bible quiz: The twelve disciples Bible activity: Feast of Shavu’ot Bible craft: Make an Appointed Times mobile Thanks for buying this Activity Book and supporting Bible Pathway Adventures. Every printable book purchased helps us continue our work providing free discipleship resources to families and missions around the world. For more inspiring educational resources visit: Bible Pathway Adventures
Feast of First Fruits Activity Book

Feast of First Fruits Activity Book

Need help teaching your students more about the Spring Feasts? Our printable First Fruits Activity Book is a wonderful way to help students learn about God’s Appointed Times in a fun creative way. Includes 40 printable pages of beautifully-designed coloring pages, quizzes, worksheets, creative writing and drawing activities, crafts, and puzzles. PLUS, detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up and an answer key for teachers and parents. This Activity Book can be used to fill a Bible interactive notebook or as standalone activities. The perfect resource to keep on hand for Sabbath and Sunday School lessons, and homeschooling. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activity sheets and go! Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. **WHAT’S INCLUDED?** Introduction: Feast of First Fruits Worksheet: What’s the Word? Coloring page: Feast of First Fruits Bible crossword: The cross and empty tomb Coloring page: The temple Coloring page: The High Priest Bible activity: What goes inside the temple? Worksheet: First Fruits offering Let’s Learn Hebrew: Bikkurim Worksheet: First Fruits Comprehension worksheet: Golgotha discovered? Bible verse copywork: Feast of First Fruits Bible quiz: The Resurrection Bible word search: The Resurrection Coloring worksheet: First Fruits Finish the picture: He is Risen! Bible craft: Make a paper plate tomb Crack the code: The resurrection Worksheet: Disciple facts Comprehension worksheet: The Romans Question ’n color: The guard’s report Worksheet: What is a disciple? Bible quiz: The twelve disciples Worksheet: Yeshua has risen! Worksheet: The Jerusalem News Alphabet challenge Comprehension worksheet: Who was Pontus Pilate? For more inspiring educational resources visit: Bible Pathway Adventures
Aprendiendo Hebreo: El Alfabeto (The Hebrew Alphabet)

Aprendiendo Hebreo: El Alfabeto (The Hebrew Alphabet)

Diviértete enseñándoles a tus niños el alfabeto Hebreo con nuestra serie Aprendiendo Hebreo: El Alfabeto. Con la ayuda de Huldah Dauid, del ministerio Her Royal Roots, hemos creado un libro de actividades que te ayudará a enseñarles a tus niños las bases del Alfabeto Hebreo, a la vez que se les da una visión sobre la vida diaria del pueblo Hebreo. Para mostrarte cómo los Hebreos entendían cada letra, hemos incluido 22 actividades para colorear y explicaciones cortas. ¡Y eso no es todo! ¡También encontrarás muchas oportunidades para que tus niños practiquen escribiendo lo que han aprendido! Los niños expuestos al Hebreo, especialmente aquellos que están expandiendo su conocimiento de la Torá, ganarán un mayor entendimiento bíblico y un amor más profundo por las personas de la Biblia. Se necesita de muy poca preparación. ¡Solo imprime las hojas de actividades que necesitas y tendrás todo listo para enseñar! EL LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES INCLUYE: La tabla del Alfabeto Hebreo con Hebreo pictográfico, paleo y moderno Dos hojas de actividades prácticas para colorear por cada letra del Alfabeto Hebreo: Alef. Bet, Guímel, Dálet, Hei, Vav, Zayn Jet, Tet, Yod, Kaf, Lámed, Mem, Nun, Sámej, Ayin, Pei, Tzadi, Kof, Resh, Shin, Tav.
Apprendre l'hébreu : le cahier d'activités alphabétiques pour les débutants

Apprendre l'hébreu : le cahier d'activités alphabétiques pour les débutants

Vous cherchez une façon amusante et FACILE d’enseigner l’alphabet hébreu à vos enfants ? Notre cahier d’activités sur l’alphabet hébraïque est l’outil parfait pour vous aider à enseigner à vos enfants les bases de la langue hébraïque, tout en leur donnant un aperçu de la vie quotidienne du peuple hébreu. Nous avons inclus des activités de coloriage et de brèves explications pour montrer aux enfants comment chaque lettre était comprise par les Hébreux. De plus, ils trouveront de nombreuses occasions de s’exercer à écrire ce qu’ils ont appris. Découvrir l’hébreu aidera les enfants à acquérir une meilleure compréhension biblique et un amour plus profond pour le peuple de la Bible. C’est le parfait outil de discipulat pour vous aider à enseigner à vos enfants la foi biblique. Le cahier d’activités sur l’alphabet hébreu comprend : Le tableau de l’alphabet hébreu, pour s’y référer facilement. Deux feuilles de travail pratiques à colorier pour chaque lettre de l’alphabet hébraïque avec pictogramme, paléo et hébreu moderne : Aléph, Béth, Guimèl, Daléth, Hé, Vav, Zayin, Heth, Teth, Yod, Kaf, Lamède, Mème, Noun, Samèkh, Ayin, Pé, Tsadé, Qof, Rèch, Shin et Tav. Pour qui est-il? Pour les enfants de la maternelle à la 4e année, les parents-enseignants, les éducateurs et les responsables du ministère de l’Éducation de l’Enfance
Aprendiendo Hebreo: Animales (SPANISH)

Aprendiendo Hebreo: Animales (SPANISH)

Disfruta enseñándoles a tus hijos el idioma Hebreo con este entretenido e interactivo Libro de Actividades Aprendiendo Hebreo: Animales. Del gato a la cabra y el buey, tiene 22 nombres de animales para enseñarles. Además, muchas oportunidades para que los niños practiquen escribiendo lo que han aprendido. ¡Tarjetas didácticas, actividades de trazado y páginas para colorear hacen que aprender Hebreo sea divertido! Este libro está diseñado para complementar la base aprendida en nuestro Libro de Actividades del Alfabeto Hebreo. Creamos ambos libros para ayudarte a enseñarles a tus hijos las bases del idioma Hebreo de una forma divertida y creativa. Se necesita de muy poca preparación. ¡Solo imprime las hojas de actividades que necesitas y tendrás todo listo para enseñar! EL LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES INCLUYE: La tabla del Alfabeto Hebreo con Hebreo pictográfico, paleo y moderno Un set de TARJETAS DIDÁCTICAS de animales a full color con los nombres Hebreos, la transliteración y en español Hojas de trabajo de TRAZOS con los nombres Hebreos y actividades para colorear Hojas de trabajo para colorear y escribir con datos divertidos sobre la Biblia, palabras Hebreas, niqqud (vocales), transliteración y nombres en español, incluyendo: Camello, Gato, Vaca, Ciervo, Perro, Asno, Pato, Elefante, Pez, Zorro, Jirafa, Cabra, León, Mono, Alce, Buey, Pavo real, Cerdo, Conejo, Oveja, Serpiente, Cebra
Rein und Unrein Übungsbuch für Anfänger

Rein und Unrein Übungsbuch für Anfänger

Ihren Kindern wird es Spaß machen, mit diesem praktischen Übungsbuch von FUN, mehr über reine und unreine Tiere der Bibel zu lernen. Jede Seite lädt sie ein, durch Mal- und Schreibaktivitäten mehr über reine und unreine Tiere, Vögel und Meerestiere zu erfahren. Entwickelt, um Ihren Kindern die Grundlagen reiner und unreiner Tiere (5. Mose 14 und 3. Mose 11) auf unterhaltsame und kreative Weise beizubringen. Rein und Unrein Übungsbuch für Anfänger enthält: Lustige Malvorlagen mit reinen und unreinen Tieren Ein Tierkartenset, das Ihrem Kind hilft, sich zu merken, was es gelernt hat Helle, auffällige Bible Pathway Adventures’ Illustrationen´ Eine großartige Möglichkeit, reine und unreine Tiere und Vögel in den Sabbatunterricht- oder Kindergottesdienst und Unterricht zu Hause einzuführen FÜR WEN IST ES BESTIMMT? Kinder im Alter von 4-7 Jahren Visuell Lernende Homeschooling – Unterricht zu Hause Kindergottesdienstmitarbeiter
Hebräisch lernen: Das Alphabet-Übungsbuch für Anfänger

Hebräisch lernen: Das Alphabet-Übungsbuch für Anfänger

Sie suchen nach einer unterhaltsamen und einfachen Möglichkeit, Ihren Kindern das hebräische Alphabet beizubringen? Unser Aktivitätsbuch zum Hebräischen Alphabet ist das perfekte Werkzeug, um Ihren Kindern die Grundlagen der hebräischen Sprache beizubringen und ihnen gleichzeitig einen Einblick in den Alltag des hebräischen Volkes zu verschaffen. Wir haben Malaktivitäten und kurze Erklärungen hinzugefügt, um Kindern zu zeigen, wie jeder einzlene Buchstabe von den Hebräern verstanden wurde. Außerdem gibt es viele Möglichkeiten für sie, das Gelernte aufzuschreiben. Ein Verständnis des Hebräischen wird Kindern dabei helfen, ein erhöhtes biblisches Verständnis und eine tiefere Liebe zu den Menschen der Bibel zu erlangen. Das perfekte Jüngerschaftswerkzeug, das Ihnen dabei hilft, Ihren Kindern den biblischen Glauben beizubringen. Das hebräische Alphabet Übungsbuch enthält: Eine hebräische Alphabet-Tabelle zur einfachen Orientierung Zwei praktische Malblätter für jeden Buchstaben des hebräischen Alphabets mit Piktogramm, Paläo und modernen Hebräisch: Alef, Bet, Gimel, Daleth, He, Waw, Zajin, Chet, Tet, Jod, Kaph, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samech, Ayin, Pe, Tzade, Qoph, Resch, Schin und Taw. Für wen ist es bestimmt? K-3, Hauslehrer, Erzieher und Leiter von Kinderministerien.
Learning Hebrew: The Alphabet for Beginners

Learning Hebrew: The Alphabet for Beginners

Looking for a fun and easy way to teach your children the Hebrew alphabet? Our Learning Hebrew: The Alphabet activity book is the perfect tool to help you teach your children the basics of the Hebrew language, while giving them insight into the day-to-day life of the Hebrew people. We’ve included coloring activities and short explanations to show children how each letter was understood by the Hebrews. Plus plenty of opportunities for them to practice writing what they’ve learned. Understanding Hebrew will help kids gain an increased Biblical understanding and a deeper love for the people of the Bible. The perfect Hebrew reading discipleship tool to help you teach your children a Biblical faith. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activity sheets you need, and go! What you’ll get… The Hebrew Alphabet chart for easy reference Modern Hebrew Alphabet pronunciation chart Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Two hands-on coloring worksheets for each letter of the Hebrew Alphabet featuring pictograph, paleo, and modern Hebrew: Aleph, Bet, Gimmel, Dalet, Hey, Vav, Zayin, Het, Tet, Yod, Kaph, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samech, Ayin, Peh, Tsadi, Qoph, Resh, Shin, and Tav Printable flashcard set featuring Hebrew letters and pictures
Bible Task Cards: Old Testament

Bible Task Cards: Old Testament

Make Bible learning fun! Our Old Testament Task Card activity book is packed with biblical task cards to help you teach your students about the Bible in a fun and engaging way. Includes 73 Task Cards sets focused on the Old Testament.- that’s over 290 questions! Each task card features an original Bible cartoon and a reference scripture for students to look up. THIS PACK ALSO INCLUDES a printable Bible Notes activity sheet for students to record their answers and a detailed Answer Key. This activity is supplemental and should be used after your students have been introduced to sections of the Old Testament. Task cards are great for active learning, extra practice, intervention, review, Scoot, small group study, whole class instruction, and class competition. Very little prep needed. Just print the Task Cards you need, and go! WHO IS IT FOR? 3rd - 8th Graders (8 to 14-year-olds) Visual Learners Homeschoolers Children’s ministry leaders Interactive learners OLD TESTAMENT TASK CARDS INCLUDE: Creation, Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, Noah’s Ark, Covenant with Noah, Tower of Babel, Abraham & Sarah, Sodom & Gomorrah, Birth of Isaac, Isaac & Rebekah, Jacob & Esau, Jacob’s ladder, Joseph’s dreams, Joseph in Egypt, Baby Moses, Burning Bush, Ten Plagues, The Passover, Red Sea Crossing, Ten Commandments, Golden Calf, The Tabernacle, Korah Rebels, Joshua, Twelve Spies, Balaam’s Donkey, Water from the Rock, Rahab & the Spies, Battle of Jericho, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah’s Daughter, Samson, Samson & Delilah, Samson in the Temple, Ruth, Ruth & Boaz, Samuel, King Saul, Witch of Endor, Ark is Captured, David & Goliath, David the Outlaw, David & Bathsheba, Kings of the Bible, Solomon’s wisdom, Queen of Sheba, Elijah in the Wilderness, Naboth’s vineyard, Chariots of Fire, Elisha and Naaman, Hezekiah’s Gold, Prophets of Baal, Josiah & the Torah, The Potter’s Wheel, King Nebuchadnezzar, Fiery Furnace, Belshazzar’s Feast, Daniel and the Lions, Jonah and the Fish, Esther and the King, Mordecai, Esther saves her People, Nehemiah, Job, Proverbs, Day of Atonement, Day of Trumpets, Feast of Sukkot, Mothers in the Bible, Fathers in the Bible, and Isaiah.
Bible Task Cards: New Testament

Bible Task Cards: New Testament

Make Bible learning fun! Our New Testament Task Card activity book is packed with biblical task cards to help you teach your students about the Bible in a fun and engaging way. Includes 70 Task Cards sets focussed on the New Testament.- that’s 280 questions! Each task card features an original Bible cartoon and a reference scripture for students to look up. THIS PACK ALSO INCLUDES a printable Bible Notes activity sheet for students to record their answers and a detailed Answer Key. This activity is supplemental and should be used after your students have been introduced to sections of the New Testament. Task cards are great for active learning, extra practice, intervention, review, Scoot, small group study, whole class instruction, and class competition. Very little prep needed. Just print the Task Cards you need, and go! WHO IS IT FOR? 4th Graders (9 to 10-year-olds) 5th Graders (10 to 11-year-olds) 6th Graders (11 to 12-year-olds) 7th Graders (12 to 13-year-olds) 8th Graders (13 to 14-year-olds) Visual Learners Homeschoolers Children’s ministry leaders Interactive learners NEW TESTAMENT TASK CARDS INCLUDE: Son for Zechariah, John the Baptist, Mary, Birth of Yeshua, The shepherd’s visit, The Magi, Presentation in the Temple, John baptizes Yeshua, Wedding at Cana, The Disciples, Judas, Loaves & Fishes, Temptation in the Wilderness, Sermon on the Mount, The Lost Sheep, Good Samaritan, Parable of the Talents, Prodigal Son, The Sower, Woman at the Well, Zacchaeus, The Gadarene Swine, Death of John the Baptist, Rich Man & Lazarus, Centurion’s Servant, The Faithful Servant, Raising of Lazarus, Calming the Storm, Jairus’ Daughter, Mary & Martha, Temple Traders, Transfiguration, Triumphal Entry, Last Supper, Gethsemane, Yeshua before Pilate, Crucifixion, Road to Emmaus, Resurrection, Ascension, Angels, Armor of God, Death of Stephen, Road to Damascus, Paul on Cyprus, Paul visits Lystra, Barnabas, Lydia, Paul & the Slave Girl, Paul in Prison, Paul & the Bereans, Timothy, Paul visits Athens, Priscilla & Aquila, Paul in Corinth, Plot against Paul, Paul before Agrippa, Shipwrecked!, Peter the Healer, Peter in Prison, Peter & Cornelius, Passover, First Fruits, Pentecost, Sabbath, The Temple, Capernaum, Mary Magdalene, Philip & the Ethiopian, and the Fruit of the Spirit.
Learning Hebrew: Around the Home Activity Book

Learning Hebrew: Around the Home Activity Book

Have fun teaching your children the Hebrew names for household items with our Learning Hebrew Activity Book: Around the Home. From bed to bath to knife and fork, there are 23 Hebrew words to teach them. Plus, plenty of opportunities for your children to practice coloring and writing what they’ve learned. Flashcards, tracing activities, and coloring pages all make learning Hebrew fun! This book is designed to build on the foundation laid in our Hebrew Alphabet Activity Book. We created both books to help you teach your children the basics of the Hebrew language in a fun and creative way. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activity sheets you need, and go! ACTIVITY BOOK INCLUDES The Hebrew Alphabet chart featuring pictograph, paleo, and modern Hebrew Color set of household FLASHCARDS featuring Hebrew, transliteration, and English names TRACING worksheets featuring Hebrew names and coloring activities Coloring & writing worksheets featuring fun Bible facts, Hebrew words, niqqud (vowels), transliteration, and English names, including: house, stove, knife, fork, spoon, bowl, cup, clock, fridge, sink, basket, towel, clothes hanger, bed, pillow, mirror, bookshelf, chair, table, couch, rug, key, and computer
My Bible ABC Activity Book

My Bible ABC Activity Book

We created My Bible ABC Activity Book to help you teach your children the English alphabet in a fun and engaging way. Packed with writing, tracing, and coloring activities to help little ones remember what they’ve learned. PLUS, scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up and alphabet tracing sheets for extra writing practice. Each two-page unit focusses on one letter of the alphabet from A-Z. The letters are associated with people and objects from the Bible, and relate to the Biblical faith. Very little teacher prep is needed – simply print the activity sheets you need, and go! My Bible ABCs Activity Book includes: 26 alphabet units in pdf format (8.5” x 11”) 5 Alphabet writing and tracing worksheets for upper & lower case letters in pdf format (8.5” x 11”) Fun Bible facts to help you child learn more about the Bible Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures’ illustrations
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Activity Book

Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Activity Book

Dive deep into the heart of the Feast of Tabernacles like never before! Our Feast of Tabernacles Activity Book is specially designed to engage, enlighten, and educate kids ages 6-12 about the significance and beauty of Sukkot. With a broad range of activities, from coloring to quizzes to language lessons, there’s never a dull moment. This Activity Book seamlessly merges learning with fun, ensuring a deep appreciation of Sukkot. Celebrate, learn, and grow your students understanding of the Feast of Tabernacles. Highlights include… *** Introduction: Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot):** start with the basics, understanding the origins, history, and significance of this incredible Feast *** Coloring pages:** channel your child’s inner artist with pages like ‘My Sukkah’ and ‘Happy Sukkot!’ where they can bring the Feast of Sukkot to life *** Educational worksheets:** delve into topics such as the ‘12 tribes of Israel’, ‘The number seven’, ‘Pilgrimage feasts’, and the intriguing ‘Solomon dedicates the temple’ worksheet to deepen your child’s knowledge *** Bible quizzes and activities:** Test their knowledge with our ‘Sukkot Bible auiz’ and ‘Who said it?’ activity. Plus, enjoy a word scramble, and word search puzzles tailored around Sukkot themes *** Let’s learn Hebrew:** Add a linguistic twist to your Sukkot celebrations. Familiarize kids with Hebrew terms related to this Feast *** Interactive activities:** from mapping Solomon’s temple to documenting your feelings in the ‘My Sukkot diary’, this Activity Book offers a hands-on approach to understanding the Feast of Tabernacles
Clean and Unclean Coloring Activity Book

Clean and Unclean Coloring Activity Book

Your children will LOVE learning about clean and unclean animals of the Bible with this FUN hands-on Clean and Unclean Activity Book for Beginners. Each page invites them to learn about clean and unclean animals, birds, and marine animals through coloring and writing activities. Designed to help you teach your children the basics of clean and unclean animals (Deuteronomy 14 and Leviticus 11) in a fun and creative way. Suitable for kids ages 3-7. What you’ll get… 60+ coloring activity pages featuring clean and unclean animals Word tracing exercises to help your child learn their ABCs Animal flashcards to help your child remember what they learned Fun clean and unclean Bible word search puzzles Hands-on activity pages to increase bible knowledge Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Printable list of Clean and Unclean animals Clean and Unclean Activity Book includes… Coloring activity pages: Clean: cow, sheep, locust, deer, goat, fish, moose, chicken, buffalo, turkey, antelope, giraffe, duck, peacock Unclean: donkey, pig, lion, worm, camel, frog, hippo, snake, dog, monkey, rabbit, crab, shrimp, elephant 2. Printable flashcard sets: Set 1: cow, sheep locust, deer Set 2: goat, fish, moose, chicken Set 3: buffalo, turkey, antelope, giraffe Set 4: duck, peacock, donkey, pig Set 5: lion, worm, camel, frog Set 6: hippo, snake, dog, monkey Set 7: rabbit, crab, shrimp, elephant Bible word search puzzles (clean and unclean animals) Clean and Unclean animal name tracing and writing exercises Clean and Unclean animal activity pages A great way to introduce clean and unclean animals and birds into your homeschooling routine or classroom.
New Testament Quiz Book

New Testament Quiz Book

Increase your Bible knowledge with our New Testament Quiz Book. Packed with 650 questions and answers about the people, places, and events of the New Testament. Visit Bethlehem with the Magi, escape to Egypt with Mary & Joseph, and travel the road to Damascus with Paul! Each page includes a Bible quiz with ten questions, and a coloring activity to reinforce student’s learning. Plus, detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up and an answer key for educators. This book covers the entire New Testament based on the ESV. However, we use the name Yeshua to help students understand the Bible from a historical and cultural perspective. What you’ll get… 65 New Testament quizzes in pdf format (8.5" x 11"), including An angel visits Mary, Birth of the Messiah, The twelve disciples, Parable of the good Samaritan, Feeding the 5000, Sermon on the Mount, Armor of God, Road to Damascus, The resurrection, Fruit of the Spirit, and many more! Coloring elements provide visual prompts to reinforce learning Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Answer key for educators For more inspiring educational resources visit: Bible Pathway Adventures
Aprendiendo Hebreo: ¡Vamos a comer! (SPANISH)

Aprendiendo Hebreo: ¡Vamos a comer! (SPANISH)

Diviértete enseñándoles a tus hijos los nombres Hebreos de los alimentos con nuestro Libro de Actividades Aprendiendo Hebreo: ¡Vamos a comer! Desde la leche hasta el pan, del jalá al pastel; el libro contiene 26 palabras Hebreas de alimentos para enseñarles. Además, también incluye muchas oportunidades para que practiquen coloreando y escribiendo lo que han aprendido. ¡Tarjetas didácticas, actividades de trazado y páginas para colorear hacen que aprender Hebreo sea divertido! Este libro está diseñado para complementar la base aprendida en nuestro Libro de Actividades del Alfabeto Hebreo. Creamos ambos libros para ayudarte a enseñarles a tus hijos las bases del idioma hebreo de una forma divertida y creativa. Se necesita de muy poca preparación. ¡Solo imprime las hojas de actividades que necesitas y tendrás todo listo para enseñar! AMAZON Want a printed book? Buy the paperback book on Amazon https://amzn.to/2VX4A4H EL LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES INCLUYE: La tabla del Alfabeto Hebreo con Hebreo pictográfico, paleo y moderno Un set de TARJETAS DIDÁCTICAS Hojas de trabajo de TRAZOS con los nombres Hebreos y actividades para colorear Hojas de trabajo para colorear y escribir con datos divertidos sobre la Biblia, palabras Hebreas, niqqud (vocales), transliteración y nombres en español, incluyendo: huevo, queso, mantequilla, leche, jugo, bagel, cereal, gacha, fruta, ensalada, pan, matzá, jalá, sándwich, arroz, pasta, pizza, carne, pollo, pescado, sushi, sopa, dal bhat, galleta, pastel, helado.
Aprendiendo Hebreo: En la Casa (SPANISH)

Aprendiendo Hebreo: En la Casa (SPANISH)

Disfruta enseñándoles a tus hijos los nombres Hebreos de los artículos del hogar con nuestro Libro de Actividades Aprendiendo Hebreo: En la Casa. Desde la cama al baño, del cuchillo al tenedor, tiene 23 palabras Hebreas para enseñarles. Además, muchas oportunidades para que tus niños practiquen coloreando y escribiendo lo que han aprendido. ¡Tarjetas didácticas, actividades de trazado y páginas para colorear hacen que aprender Hebreo sea divertido! Este libro está diseñado para complementar la base aprendida en nuestro Libro de Actividades del Alfabeto Hebreo. Creamos ambos libros para ayudarte a enseñarles a tus hijos las bases del idioma Hebreo de una forma divertida y creativa. Se necesita de muy poca preparación. ¡Solo imprime las hojas de actividades que necesitas y tendrás todo listo para enseñar! EL LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES INCLUYE: La tabla del Alfabeto Hebreo con Hebreo pictográfico, paleo y moderno Un set de TARJETAS DIDÁCTICAS con los nombres Hebreos, la transliteración y en español Hojas de trabajo de trazos con los nombres Hebreos y actividades para colorear Hojas de trabajo para colorear y escribir con datos divertidos sobre la Biblia, palabras Hebreas, niqqud (vocales), transliteración y nombres en español, incluyendo: Casa , Estufa, Cuchillo, Tenedor, Cuchara, Tazón, Taza, Reloj, Refrigerador, Fregadero, Cesta, Toalla, Percha, Cama, Almohada, Espejo, Estante, Silla, Mesa, Sofá, Tapete, Llave, Computadora
Learning Hebrew: Clothes Activity Book

Learning Hebrew: Clothes Activity Book

Here’s an easy way to teach your children how to write and pronounce Hebrew words for clothes. From boots to shirt to jacket to pants, there are 23 Hebrew words to teach them. Plus, plenty of opportunities to practice writing and speaking what they’ve learned. Fun Bible facts and pictures help engage kids and teach them how the ancient Israelites lived. Flashcards, tracing and coloring activities help reinforce learning. This book isn’t just an educational tool; it’s a bridge connecting young minds to the richness of biblical language and stories. What you’ll get: The Hebrew Alphabet chart (PDF) featuring pictograph, paleo, and modern Hebrew Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Fun Bible facts to increase Bible knowledge Clothing FLASHCARDS featuring Hebrew, transliteration, and English names Hebrew TRACING worksheets featuring Hebrew names and coloring activities Hebrew coloring & writing worksheets featuring Bible facts, a pronunciation guide, niqqud (vowels), transliteration and English names for Hat, Gloves, Scarf, Coat, Socks, Shoes, Boots, Jacket, Jeans, Dress, Singlet, Pajamas, Skirt, Vest, Sweater, Cardigan, Shirt, T-shirt, Pants, Belt, Swimsuit, Tie, and Sari
Learning Hebrew: Animals Activity Book

Learning Hebrew: Animals Activity Book

Here’s an easy way to teach young learners how to write and pronounce the Hebrew names for animals. From cat to fox to goat to ox, there are 22 names to teach them. Plus, plenty of opportunities to practice writing and speaking what they’ve learned. Fun Bible facts and pictures help engage kids and boost their Bible knowledge. Flashcards, tracing and coloring activities help reinforce learning. This book isn’t just an educational tool; it’s a bridge connecting young minds to the richness of biblical language and stories. What you’ll get: The Hebrew Alphabet chart (PDF) featuring pictograph, paleo, and modern Hebrew Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Fun Bible facts to increase Bible knowledge Hebrew coloring & writing worksheets featuring short Bible facts, a pronunciation guide, niqqud (vowels), transliteration and English names for Camel, Cat, Cow, Deer, Dog, Donkey, Duck, Elephant, Fish, Fox, Giraffe, Goat, Lion, Monkey, Moose, Ox, Peacock, Pig, Rabbit, Sheep, Snake, and Zebra Animal FLASHCARDS featuring Hebrew, transliteration, and English names Hebrew TRACING worksheets featuring Hebrew names and coloring activities